U.S. border reopened to Canadian cattle. Fantastic news! I was so happy to hear that this morning. What a relief. Will the Canadian beef, bison, and sheep industries (I'm not sure what else was affected) ever fully recover from the border closure? I don't know, but I sure hope things turn around quickly for all of those farm families who've suffered huge losses over the past 26 months. (What is with those R-CALF people anyway?)
In other news this week, the NHL labour dispute is finally over. Oh, Year Without NHL Hockey on My TV, I will miss you and remember you fondly for the rest of my life. I won't miss, however, hearing daily status updates of the labour dispute and its unfailing lack of progress. Listening to hockey scores is certainly preferable, and I will hear them whether I like it or not. I'm subjected to the very same sports cast every weekday morning at 5:55 in the shower and at 7:55 on my way to work. The timing of the sports broadcast on my preferred radio station is incredibly annoying to me!
Finally, the terror bombings in London. It's horrible and tragic and senseless. What more can I say? I could not say anything more eloquently than Luke (a Canadian living in the UK, and one of my favourite bloggers).