Today was an odd day. It felt like a weekend day. The girls had to stay home because Sharon (the girls' babysitter) said they couldn't go there today. I think she was frustrated yesterday because all or most of the kids were sickly and/or really cranky. I'm pretty sure mine were just really cranky, but she said they were sick and had to stay home today. I didn't feel like pressing the issue with Sharon so I took the day off work. Neil was planning to work in the back yard today (we had four yards of crusher dust and one yard of river rock delivered this a.m.) and that would have gone out the window completely if he'd had to watch the girls all day by himself. I had nothing urgent going on at work, so it was no big deal.
(This is how far I got about five minutes ago when there was a power surge or something and my computer just shut down all of a sudden. Grrrr. The lights didn't even flicker, so it wasn't a power outage.)
As I was saying... The girls were not sick, so we had quite the day in the back yard. It was really hot out (about 30 C), so the paddling pool was very well used. Sophia just wore her swimming suit all day and was in and out frequently. I changed Madeline into a diaper and clothes a few times because I had to change her out of her wet swim diapers. They also played on the swings and slides a bunch too. I plastered them both with SPF 50 at least three times today.
Meanwhile, we worked on putting crusher dust in our pathways and we used some paving stones we had from before as edging between the crusher dust and pea rock. It's all shaping up nicely!
I also took a nap today, which seems odd too. I can't even remember the last time I had a nap. (I should probably have more naps considering I usually only get about six hours of sleep at night.) We all stayed in the house for awhile at midday because it was just too hot to be out.
We had a thunder shower this evening and received about four-tenths of rain. Neil just spoke to his Mom (in Edmonton right now) who had talked to someone in Avonlea and learned that it hailed at the farm. They're all quite upset about the crops (understandably) which were actually looking good. We're really desperate for a good outcome this year. It has been too long. Neil will go check the damage tomorrow. (This was the only really bad part of today.)
Madeline is just getting her 11th and 12th teeth right now. They're upper molars. Nine and ten (bottom molars) are fairly new too.