Ten things I wish I could do all in one day -- today! (Today is Thanksgiving, a stat holiday.)
- Clean our house from top to bottom
- Fix the drainage problem on the east side of the house
- Get a new faucet for the kitchen sink (it's leaking)
- Create Blurb books of my blog posts, Jan-Aug 2011
- Take care of September photos (monthly photo tasks)
- Complete the layouts I started at Crop & Create
- Complete a few other layouts started months ago
- Photograph layouts for the BSS Flickr gallery
- Do 1st couple assignments for The Art of Composition
- Take a photo for Picture Inspiration week 33
Hmmm, what will I actually be able to do today? Just a small fraction of this list, and right now I'm leaning toward some items on the second half of my list. Decisions, decisions.
For a listing of this month's participants, see 10 Things at Shimelle.com.
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